Legal Cheek

Morning round-up: Monday 20 July

The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts

Queen Nazi salute video publication leaves Buckingham Palace considering legal action [Huffington Post]

Clive Anderson will join Lord Neuberger to stage mock trial to mark 800th anniversary of Magna Carta [The Telegraph]

David Cameron strike reform plans are wiping away 200 years of workers’ rights [The Mirror]

Michael Mansfield QC finds a lover 22 years his junior [Mail Online]

Tessa Jowell’s husband, a shady ‘Black Baron’…and a VERY toxic secret report: MoS unearths suppressed Greenpeace report linking lawyer to criminal network dumping radioactive waste [Mail Online]

Breaking the Law: China rounds up its lawyers [Huffington Post]

Government paying Ben Emmerson QC £1,700 per day for advising child sex abuse probe [The Mirror]

The quality of mercy: Michael Gove’s thoughtful remarks on prisons show a potentially great Justice Secretary in the making [The Independent]

Divisional Court strikes down DRIPA communications data law [UK Human Rights Blog]

Tony Blair’s son Nicky, 29, marries Vardags divorce lawyer [Mail Online]

Legal Cheek Careers three-month paid internship [Legal Cheek Jobs]

Academic success + good looks = swarm of haters [Legal Cheek Comments]

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