Legal Cheek

Morning round-up: Friday 30 October

The morning’s top legal affairs news stories

MEPs hail Snowden as human rights hero and offer him asylum: Politicians agree by four votes to cancel criminal charges against traitor [Mail Online]

“Allowances should be made” for female barristers who have children [The Guardian]

“Far-right” French barrister shoots lawyer at courthouse before turning the gun on himself after long-running dispute between the pair [Mail Online]

How to get women to the top? Set quotas, says Cherie Blair [Reuters]

Eva Carneiro’s lawyers serve Chelsea legal papers ahead of constructive dismissal claim [Mirror]

Saudi blogger sentenced to 1,000 lashes for insulting Muslim clerics is awarded the Sakharov Prize for human rights [Mail Online]

Wilberforce takes barrister duo from 3 Stone Buildings [Legal Business]

Journalists are “misusing” freedom of information laws, Chris Grayling claims [BuzzFeed]

Nine stories Chris Grayling want to keep secret [Guido Fawkes]

“I am so bored of all this ‘AI’ bulls*t that I might just gouge out my eyes and eat them with hot chilli sauce if there is another article on the subject in the legal press.” [Legal Cheek Comments]

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