Legal Cheek

Morning round-up: Friday 26 August

The morning’s top legal affairs news stories

France ‘burkini ban’: Court to decide on beach fines [BBC News]

Burkini ban: France threatens legal action against social media users for sharing photos of police enforcing law [The Independent]

How Brexit could affect law firm merger talks [Bloomberg Law]

Eleven-year-old boy sentenced for raping his younger sister twice in shocking court case [The Sun]

“Catch up” [Twitter]

The Grand Tour at risk of legal action over Top Gear similarities? [Mirror]

Does a judge have to consider Article 8 in possession proceedings brought by a private landlord? [UK Human Rights Blog]

Austrian man wins 10-year court battle after being overcharged €2.50 to go to swimming pool [The Independent]

Law student denies fake solicitor charge [Courier Mail]

12 problems only law students understand [Cosmopolitan]

Ex-porn star sues Facebook for $1 billion in harassment and libel case [The Daily Dot]

Mini-pupillage opportunities at Keating Chambers [Legal Cheek Hub]

“Basically the happiest universities are the ones where the students are made to do the least work. Utterly delighted my university doesn’t appear on that list.” [Legal Cheek comments]

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