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Morning round-up: Friday 13 December

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How has this escaped Twitter’s attention? [Shit places I go to in pupillage]

Queen angry at police officers eating her Bombay mix, court hears [The Telegraph]

Porn users targeted by German law firm over copyright [BBC News]

Sons in battle for £389,000 left by expat father to BNP: Brothers were bequeathed just £135 between them, High Court told [Mail Online]

Money for old laws: New international courts in Dubai are giving British legal firms a boost [The Economist]

Porn users targeted by German law firm over copyright [BBC News]

The legal opinion claiming it is lawful for Universities UK to segregate women “in interests of free speech” [Twitter]

James Blunt: “My girlfriend’s a lawyer not a model and my yacht is a blow-up dinghy” [The Guardian]

From 2014 the trainee minimum wage will no longer apply: living on the statutory minimum will be tough [Law Society Gazette]

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