Legal Cheek

Morning round-up: Friday 1 November

“We have issued warrants for their arrest. But they have evaded the short arm of the law”: Birmingham Crown Court judge’s quip at mouse infestation fails to calm nervous jury [The Mirror]

Mexican lawyer undergoes extreme body modification to become Vampire Lady (complete with titanium horns inserted into her head) [Mail Online]

Legal selfie of the week [Facebook]

PM’s brother makes history as the first barrister to be filmed in Court of Appeal [Press Gazette]

David Cameron jokes about “job swap” with barrister brother [The Telegraph]

Rape victims should have “moral responsibility” says barrister [The Telegraph]

Two Addleshaw Goddard partners to face disciplinary tribunal [The Lawyer]

Teething problems for the new Intellectual Property and Enterprise Court [The Utterant]

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