Legal Cheek

Meet The ‘UK’s Top Barrister’…

The website seems like a spoof.

But Michael Wolkind QC’s chambers, 2 Bedford Row, have confirmed (with a weary sigh) that it’s real…‘s highlights include:

Now, people may have been able to get away with creating online shrines to themselves in the pre-social media age, but subject this sort of material to the glare of Twitter and it doesn’t stand up so well.

Which is exactly what happened a couple of months ago when an account called ‘@mwolkindqc’ appeared, drawing the attention of the Twittersphere to

The account – which apparently boasted a remarkable 20,700 followers before it had even issued a single tweet – has since disappeared.

When contacted by Legal Cheek yesterday, Michael Wolkind QC said: “I certainly can not confirm I was ever the owner of that account,” before quipping: “Please cancel my subscription to Legal Chicks with immediate effect.”

Fortunately for Wolkind fans, Facebook offers a alternative way to keep up with the “UK’s top barrister”.

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