Legal Cheek

Lord McAlpine’s Solicitor Warns Wannabes Off Career In Law

We picked up today’s The Times interview (£) with Lord McAlpine’s solicitor, Andrew Reid, in the Morning Round-Up. But it’s worth relaying Reid’s depressing advice to wannabe lawyers in full…

Says Reid: “The present changes in the law, both in terms of practice arrangements and educational requirements, are so great that anyone contemplating coming into the law will not find themselves where they anticipated.

“So much of the fun and characters have gone out of the law that I would not encourage a career in the law as a final profession.”

Phew! Looks like someone is not enjoying having to trawl through tens of thousands of potentially libellous tweets. The full interview, which also contains details about the ongoing challenges of the McAlpine case, is here.

Oh, by the way, here’s some archive footage of what law used to be like back in the day:

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