Legal Cheek

Legal Tumblrs: Because lawyers can do LOLcats too

Tumblr, the home of the animated gif and the LOLcat, is suddenly everywhere following its reported $1.1 billion acquisition by Yahoo. With its reputation for frivolousness, the site has largely been overlooked in favour of WordPress by lawyers in search of a blogging platform. But Tumblr has proved popular with a certain breed of disillusioned law student…

While ‘You know you are a law student when…’ is the place to be for expressions of dissatisfaction through the written word, ‘Trust me I am a law student’ speaks in the universal language of gif. Below: a cat being used to illustrate the law student challenge of remaining conscious during a lecture.

Moving on, there’s Legal Savvy, which has a bit of everything, including some not un-amusing captioned memes.

Also more memorable than average is the niche, and rather surreal, Legal Ryan Gosling, which combines images of Hollywood star Gosling with law-related scenarios.

The many, many, other Tumblr law student blogs are less amusing variants on similar themes. So, to conclude, some proof that Tumblr can also work in a professional setting. ‘Life in Biglaw’ details the hilarity of the international law firm experience. Below: “When clients ask you to draft something they could easily draft themselves”.

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