Legal Cheek

Legal pic of the day

Notice board niggles

Many thanks to lawyer and artist Sebastian Winnett for taking to The Twitter and flagging up this bit of bureaucratic nonsense from Bexley Magistrates’ Court in southeast London.

To save readers from squinting, we can tell you that reaction from lawyers and the public to the decision by Bexley’s powers that be to decommission what looks to be a perfectly functional notice board has not been complimentary.

The main comment speculates:

“I suppose we are waiting for a committee to determine the ultimate fate of this harmless (and perfectly functional) notice board. Public sector mentality — love it!!”

However, another commentator backs the court administrators to the hilt (although there may be a touch of sarcasm at work):

“I wholeheartedly agree with this decision. I have always found this notice board sinister.”

The full ‘Legal pic of the day’ collection is here.

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