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Legal pic of the day

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Law school — but not as we know it


Many thoughts spring to mind at the mention of the words “law school” — but spawning ground for a hotbed of erotic fiction generally isn’t among them.

Then along comes Elizabeth Layle to put us right on that point. The “recovering attorney” and author of “paranormal romance and erotic fiction” — as described by her Twitter feed — last month published a rollicking and dark romp set among the dusty lecture halls.

Indeed, the cover artwork for “Law School Chronicles — the devil inside me” pretty much tells us everything we need to know about Layle’s approach to the noble endeavour of the study of the law.

But for those who are in any doubt about what actually lies within its short length — the novel only runs to 134 pages, according to Amazon — here’s a taster from the promotional blurb.

“Rebecca Cole seemed to have it all figured out early: top-15% ranking after her first year of law school, a near full scholarship, second chair on the debate team, a flashy summer associate position downtown (with a cappuccino machine), and a horned demon affectionately called the Dark Lord that keeps on ravishing her in her sleep.”

But there’s a hitch:

“Law school can be a bother. When the bitter Professor Rawley fails Becca’s midterm for spurning his advances, Becca’s rage is unleashed and her demons awaken from slumber. Now Becca must learn to control the devil inside her and fight, fight, fight…to stop the world from spiraling down around her.”

Those desperate to discover more about Becca’s battle can bag a Kindle copy via Amazon for only $3.08 (£1.97) — that’s the price of a couple packets of biscuits.

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