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Legal pic of the day

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Bexley Magistrates’ Court notice board controversy — Part 2


Back in July Legal Cheek brought you the news that Bexley Magistrates Court was to decommission what looked to be a perfectly functional notice board. The notice by HM Courts & Tribunals service was, ironically, pinned to the very notice board that they had deemed surplus to requirements.

Well now a petition (pictured above) has been set up to save the Bexley Mags’ noticeboard. So far it contains a grand total of two signatures, alongside a note pointing out that the campaign is in contravention of the first notice that noted that the noticeboard will no longer be used for notices.

Glad we could clear the up.

H/t @Seb_Winnett

The full ‘Legal pic of the day’ collection is here.

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