Legal Cheek

Legal pic of the day

Stock image fail

Whatever a typical male barrister looks like, we reckon he doesn’t look like this. Or at least we hope he doesn’t.

Nonetheless, Legal Cheek is clearly out of step with RateMyBarrister, a website that, according to its home page,

“Helps barristers, chambers and clients make informed decisions by promoting transparency within the legal profession”.

The site promotes itself as allowing:

“Lawyers and lay clients … to review everything from knowledge to charm of each barrister in England and Wales”.

However, its recent Facebook advert — which received a bollocking on Twitter for reaching for a naff stock image — suggests a typical barrister is some sort of geek/hipster, who looks more Shoreditch barrista than barrister.

H/t @DTWorkNew

The full ‘Legal pic of the day’ collection is here.

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