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Video: Why the legal profession needs people who see the world differently

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Watch ‘Legal Cheek Live, with Lord Neuberger’ below

Lord Neuberger and a host of top lawyers gathered on Thursday at Lincoln’s Inn to discuss diversity in the legal profession at Legal Cheek Live.

Fletchers‘ Ed Fletcher, Hardwicke‘s Andy Creer, Hogan Lovells‘ Tom Astle, RPC‘s Parham Kouchikali and Herbert Smith Freehills‘ Veronica Roberts were joined by representatives from diversity organisations Urban Lawyers, the Black Solicitors Network, Aspiring Solicitors and Rare — who were brought together at the event by sponsor LexisNexis.


An audience of nearly 200 law students asked the panellists questions on class, gender, race and disability in the context of a changing legal market, in a discussion chaired by Legal Cheek‘s Alex Aldridge. Watch the video in full above.

After the event the panellists all hung around to chat to the students over drinks and nibbles, with Lord Neuberger proving a particularly popular draw.

Lord Neuberger speaking to students at #legalcheek live this evening

A video posted by Legal Cheek (@legalcheek) on

The Supreme Court president even appeared on a post-discussion podcast recorded by Queen Mary University of London’s law society.

Listen to the full Legal Cheek-Queen Mary Law Society podcast here.


Lord Neuberger: Top judges should visit non-traditional unis and encourage students to apply for training contracts [Legal Cheek]