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Video: How to become a serious injury lawyer

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There’s plenty of legal life beyond the City


Amid the plethora of information available to students about careers as corporate lawyers, other practice areas sometimes seem to hardly get a look in.

Yet some of the most interesting legal work out there can be found in areas like serious injury law and medical negligence.

Keen to even the balance, Legal Cheek combined with Fletchers, one of the UK’s leading firms in this area, to hold an event for over 60 students about how they can forge a career outside the City of London — the full video of which is below.

Sharing their career stories and answering students’ questions are Fletchers head of serious injury Adrian Denson, specialist serious injury barrister Amanda Yip QC, Fletchers CEO Ed Fletcher and Mark Tempest, the head of the serious injuries unit of Fletchers’ medical negligence practice. Legal Cheek publisher Alex Aldridge chairs the discussion.

Further reading:

  • There are two ways to become a serious injury lawyer: I took the scenic route [Legal Cheek Careers]