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How law can set you up for an alternative career

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Daiwa Capital Markets director of legal and transaction management Miranda Brawn and Legal Cheek founder Alex Aldridge chat about what they learnt from law school


Investment banker Miranda Brawn (pictured above) has worked her way to the top, studying a business degree part-time after entering the City of London straight from school. As her career gained a risk management focus, she went on to complete the Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL) and the then Bar Vocational Course — again part-time — in order to advance her career. The University of Law graduate had no intention of doing a pupillage.

Like Brawn, Legal Cheek founder Alex Aldridge (pictured above) didn’t do a pupillage — although not for want of trying: the University of Law GDL and bar course graduate is a veteran of more than 30 unsuccessful pupillage interviews. But his blogs about his time as a wannabe barrister got him noticed by The Times, who gave him a start in journalism. Four years ago he launched Legal Cheek.

Brawn and Aldridge reflect on the value of their legal education in the podcast below.

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