Home » Legal Cheek Careers » Event: Why the legal profession needs people who see the world differently

Event: Why the legal profession needs people who see the world differently

By Ali Mountain on

Lord Neuberger and a panel of top solicitors and barristers offer students who don’t fit the mould advice on how to get ahead in law


On the evening of Thursday 15 October Legal Cheek is holding a panel discussion about why law needs people who see the world differently — featuring a host of top lawyers, including Supreme Court president Lord Neuberger.

We have 100 free places for students up for grabs that you can apply for below. Those selected to attend will get to ask the panel any questions they like, while also have the opportunity to meet them afterwards in the follow-up networking and drinks session.

The event, which is being kindly hosted by Lincoln’s Inn, takes place at 6pm on Thursday 15 October.

Alongside Lord Neuberger, the panellists are:

Tom Astle, a young, comprehensive school-educated partner at Hogan Lovells.

Andy Creer, a barrister at top commercial set Hardwicke who made it to the bar via Aston University after beginning her career in industry.

Parham Kouchikali, an Oxford-educated former grammar school boy who recently made partner in RPC‘s commercial disputes team.

Ed Fletcher, the chief executive of Fletchers, who overcame a severed spinal cord in a motorbike accident to help build the UK’s biggest medical negligence law firm.

Veronica Roberts, a partner in Herbert Smith Freehills‘ competition law team, who has scaled the heights of City law in spite of the male domination of the senior end of the profession.

In addition, event sponsor LexisNexis will be bringing together representatives from various diversity organisations at the event. They will be on hand to guide students towards the next steps which will help them land a training contract or pupillage.


Among the topics we will be discussing are the recent legal profession sexism rows, the unofficial “poshness test” which the Social Mobility Commission has accused the legal profession of operating, under-representation of ethnic minorities in the law and the challenges faced by lawyers with disabilities.

Apply to attend here. You’ll be asked to submit a CV and two questions for the panel.

Students of all backgrounds and all levels, both law and non-law, are welcome.

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