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Lecturers from Oxford, Bangor, Leicester, Trent, Westminster and Sheffield Hallam shortlisted for ‘Law Teacher of the Year 2016’

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Frontrunners for the coveted prize recognised for their “exceptional teaching”


We once again arrive at that point in the year to recognise the hard work — and often thankless endeavours — of law teachers up and down the country.

And Legal Cheek can announce the final six vying for the coveted title of ‘Law Teacher of the Year 2016’.

Tasked with trying to explain everything from equitable easements to fiduciary duties, the top legal minds — five women and one man — teach law at the universities of Nottingham Trent, Leicester, Oxford, Bangor, Sheffield Hallam and Westminster.


With law faculty bragging rights up for grabs, the Oxford University Press sponsored award apparently received a record number of nominations — from students, colleagues and heads of departments.

The chosen six will now face a second stage of rigorous judging. In an Ofsted-esque style of assessment, a judging panel will scrutinise each law teacher, “observing” lectures and conducting “interviews” with students.

Taking a break from signing autographs, last year’s winner, Jane Holder from University College London, reflected on the “meaningful” nature of the prize, commenting:

The Law Teacher of the Year award is so meaningful because you go through the process of really thinking about your teaching — both the good bits, and the bits that can be improved — and it offers a valuable opportunity to learn from the other nominees.

This year’s winner will be announced at an awards event in Oxford this summer.

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