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Law revision battle scars

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Conclusive proof law revision is bad for your health


As another summer exam period draws to a close, law students can finally take stock and reflect on the revision engulfed hell that has been the past few months. But mental exertion to one side, what about the physical effects of law exam season?

As Legal Cheek has now discovered — courtesy of its fine readers — law students across the country are putting their bodies on the line, in pursuit of their dream legal career. Here are just a handful of submissions that have been sent in over the last few weeks…

1. We are reliably informed this law student made a full recovery


2. However this one wasn’t so lucky — the finger had to go


3. Another finger permanently damaged as result of law revision


4. Even more bloodshed in pursuit of a training contract


5. A further case of what doctors are now calling ‘land law-finger’


6. A classic case here, ironically studying for a tort law exam


7. Finally, one student was left with just three fingers after a run in with contract law


Stay safe out there!

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