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Law is the hardest degree, says a law student

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BAs are “so much easier”, according to the Oxford student who infected herself with typhoid


An Oxford Brookes law student has given the middle finger to her university peers, describing the LLB as “obviously” the hardest degree.

Sian Rogers, who earlier this year was voluntarily infected with Typhoid for £2,900, says “any LLB student will tell you that our degree is the hardest”.


Writing for The Tab, the final year student argues that Bachelor of Arts (BA) degrees are “so much easier” than LLBs, that some lectures are so complicated even lecturers don’t fully understand what’s happening, and that — with all the Latin — lawyers are basically learning a whole new language too.

And aspiring criminal barrister Rogers isn’t keen on the continually evolving nature of the law. For her, far from moving slowly the wheels of the law are pretty nifty. She vents:

[Y]ou might have only been sat in the relevant lecture just two weeks ago but the Supreme Court have probably created a new precedence [sic] since then which means your entire point is irrelevant

Though there is no foolproof way to determine which undergraduate course is the most intellectually demanding, law is definitely up there in terms of workload and boring lecture content.

But one thing is for sure — law is made much harder when law schools make mistakes.

That’s exactly what happened at Warwick Uni last week. It has been reported that students sitting a final year Global Intellectual Property Law exam at the Russell Group university were accidently given the wrong paper — a September resit paper — instead of the correct summer exam.

Though a red-faced lecturer, in an email sent after the exam, assured the students that this cock-up wouldn’t have any negative impact, we doubt the ever-growing list of summer exam season blunders is instilling any confidence in the LLB class of 2016.

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