Legal Cheek

Judge who drank alcohol ‘on court premises’ booted off the bench

Investigation revealed Recorder Francis Evans QC also repeatedly failed to make child maintenance payments

A judge has been sacked after an investigation revealed he had consumed alcohol “on court premises”.

According to a Judicial Conduct Investigations Office (JCIO) report, published yesterday, part-time Recorder Francis Evans QC drunk alcohol “during the day” which, in turn, “created significant problems for the court staff assisting him”.

The report also revealed a further complaint concerning Evans’ “repeated defaults of payment in relation to child maintenance orders”.

According to the statement, the experienced QC failed to inform his “leadership judge” that he had twice been “subject to a suspended committal order for non-payment of child maintenance”.

Evans has enjoyed a long career at the forefront of criminal and commercial legal practice. Called to the bar in 1977, he is now a barrister at London’s JG Global Legal Consultants. Evans took silk in 1994, the same year he became a Recorder.

Unfortunately for him, his time on the bench has come to a close this month.

Removing the respected QC from judicial office, the Lord Chancellor and the Lord Chief Justice agreed that his actions had “demonstrated a lack of awareness and fell below the standard expected of a judicial office holder”.

Leading legal commentator Joshua Rozenberg QC has suggested newbie Justice Secretary Liz Truss authorised the sacking.

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