Legal Cheek

Judge Rinder lifts lid on judicial life in new radio show

Despite not actually being a real judge

The UK’s favourite honorary judge launched a new radio show over the weekend, discussing what life is like as a member of the judiciary of England and Wales.

Robert Rinder — a criminal barrister at London’s 2 Hare Court — has produced a new radio series called Raising the Bar with Robert Rinder.

Airing on Sunday morning, Rinder, who is often referred to as Judge Rinder due to the popularity of his daytime TV programme of the same name, kicked things off by discussing all things judicial with ex-Lord Chief Justice, Lord Judge.

Lord Judge — who was head of the judiciary for five years — is joined by former Linklaters lawyer turned deputy High Court judge Alexandra Marks. District judge and social mobility ambassador Tan Ikram is also there, along with former criminal barrister and retired judge John Samuels QC.

The panel discusses the difficulties involved in passing a fair sentence and the profound impact social media is having on this.

According to the panel, members the judiciary must stay on top of the latest social media developments and the part they play in certain crimes.

With more sexual assaults now being filmed and posted online, judges need to be acutely aware of how this impacts on the victim in order to sentence a defendant appropriately.

Diversity and the judiciary is also a hot topic of discussion on the show.

According to Marks there is a distinct lack of women who have the relevant experience to qualify for the top judicial roles. According to the ex-City lawyer, women need to be given more opportunities across the profession to gain the vital experience required to become a judge.

The full show can be found here.

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