Legal Cheek

It’s OK to bill clients while you’re on the toilet, Nabarro tells its solicitors

Taking the piss?

Lawyers at City outfit Nabarro have been told to bill clients for time they spend on the toilet.

Justifying the cheeky move, Nabarro’s top brass claim their lawyers — who apparently never switch off — will “still be thinking about” the matter they’re working on, despite being on the loo.

The “Time Recording Policy” (screenshot below), which was published on Nabarro’s private intranet system — states that breaks “of up to 6 minutes” should be added to a client’s tab.

One Nabarro insider told legal blog RollonFriday that the creative billing tactic does raise serious questions regarding “the quality of gossip” around the firm.

A Nabarro spokesperson — who was not on the toilet at the time — told Legal Cheek:

Time recording is not directly correlated to billing. Nevertheless, most businesses build natural breaks into the cost of their services. Indeed, some of our best legal minds have their best legal insights when they get up for a short break.

So unlike your average City lawyer, who will spend their break time Tinder-ing or crying, Nabarro’s dedicated legal minds are still thinking about work.

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