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It looks like the drunken Kent Uni fresher who got stuck up a tree may have been a law student

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Did booze-fuelled tree farce begin after unsuccessful attempt by student to use LLB credentials to gain access to freshers ball?


Earlier this week The Tab reported that a Kent University fresher had been rescued by the fire brigade from a tree in the extremely embarrassing final chapter of an already very embarrassing evening.

The unnamed male had apparently climbed the tree in protest at being refused entry on account of his intoxication to the student union where the freshers ball was taking place. Having fallen asleep among the branches, the student then found that he was unable to climb down — and, as you can see in the photo of the incident above, firefighters were called.

Now, you’d imagine the sort of youngster who’d behave in such a reckless way would be studying something flaky like media studies or English Literature. But our spies indicate otherwise.

Not enough confirmation for you? Take a look at this comment on the Kent Online version of the story. What’s more, according to “Canterburychap”, the fresher attempted to use his status as a law student to offset his drunkenness during the ill-fated entry negotiations.


Anyway, in spite of the loss of face, readers will be glad to know that it all ended happily. The fire crews raised a ladder to rescue the stricken lad, who was then given the all-clear by paramedics once on terra firm.

Having kept his name out of the press reports of the matter, the student just has to deal with three years’ worth of tree-related criminal law puns…

Image via Tom Cahill at the Kent Tab

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