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In pictures: today’s legal aid protest

By Ali Mountain on

This morning’s demonstration against the government’s legal aid proposals saw 500 plus lawyers take to the streets around parliament – and fill Twitter with loads of photos. The best ones are below…

“RIP legal aid”

Telling the Lord Chancellor where to go.

A glam Lady Justice.

That guy from Blur who became a lawyer, with Law Society Gazette hack Catherine Baksi.

Tuckers human rights lawyer Jules Carey displays his work.

The smartest dressed protesters ever?

Many animals are also against the government’s proposals to cut legal aid.

Clive Stafford Smith warns of the dangers of US-style justice coming to these shores.

Other speakers at the event included Guildford Four member Gerry Conlon, Baroness Helena Kennedy QC and the family of Jean Charles de Menezes.

The final word goes to footballer, Twitter sensation and former user of the criminal justice system Joey Barton, who tweeted his support for the protest this morning.

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