Legal Cheek

How to maintain your Zen at work

Sam Jewell set to pen new guide after Legal Cheek exit

Legal Cheek‘s outgoing head of student engagement has signed a five figure deal to write a book about staying calm at work.

The guide will be based on Jewell’s experiences training up new members of Legal Cheek‘s events team days before unleashing them on the company’s busy autumn events schedule.

Footage of Jewell overseeing a pair of new recruits

Having led this process for two consecutive years, staying famously calm, Jewell has opted to share the secrets to his success in what’s being dubbed “the self help guide of the season”.

“Sam’s incredible poise and Zen-like calm has been an oasis of positivity in a troubled world,” said a Penguin Books insider.

The new book will be released as Jewell begins a tour of the Far East where he will explore aspects of Buddhism and other local religions. “To be honest it’s a much-needed spiritual journey,” he commented.

Jewell will then commence a training contract at Magic Circle law firm Clifford Chance. “After the last couple of years I was looking to destress and this seemed like the perfect opportunity,” added Jewell.

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