Legal Cheek

How old Supreme Court judges look vs how old they really are

New website determines your age by analysing your image — and there are mixed results for our Supreme Court judges, which is run by the bods at Microsoft, is the latest online sensation sweeping social media.

Trending across Twitter over the bank holiday, the premise of the website is straightforward: upload a selfie, allow the algorithms to work their magic — and your age will then be guessed.

There are clearly still a few issues to be ironed out, with developers posting a disclaimer underneath each analysis stating, “Sorry if we didn’t quite get the age and gender right — we are still improving this feature.” Awkward.

Legal Cheek of course couldn’t resist having a go and ran the images of the nation’s esteemed Supreme Court judges through the site. The results of our labours will have left the legal big shots with differing feelings.

It was a disappointing outcome for both Lord Reed, 58, and Lord Sumption, 66, with the site putting a whopping 14 and 10 years on them respectively. Supreme Court president Lord Neuberger, 67, didn’t fare much better, with his age estimated as 76. The stresses of a career in law have clearly taken their toll.

The system was kinder to Lady Hale, who came out as only 61, despite being nine years older.

Disappointingly, the website — which is a demo showing off Microsoft’s face recognition technology — failed to guess the correct age of any of the 12 judges. However, to its credit it was only one year out when it came to analysing both Lord Carnwath, 70, and Lord Toulson, 68.

Check out the results in full below:

Lord Neuberger — 67

Lord Mance — 71

Lord Kerr — 67

Lady Hale — 70

Lord Clarke — 71

Lord Wilson — 69

Lord Sumption — 66

Lord Reed — 58

Lord Hughes — 66

Lord Carnwath — 70

Lord Toulson — 68

Lord Hodge — 61

You can try analysing you own photo here.


UK Supreme Court Justice Dog-a-likes [Legal Cheek]

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