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Happy Birthday: Legal Cheek Is One

By Ali Mountain on

A year ago today we launched with this post from Android. Since then, the site has grown faster than anyone expected – although that growth admittedly didn’t get fully underway until the replacement in January of logo Mark I (pictured below) with the more tasteful Mark II you can see above.

We’re now getting over 3,000 pageviews a day – a figure that jumps to in excess of 10,000 on a big news day – and have been described by The Sunday Times as “Popbitch for lawyers” and by The Telegraph as an “irreverent, must-read tabloid law website”. We’ve also been mentioned in The Independent, the Daily Mail and The Guardian. For this we owe all our readers a big thanks for coming on the site everyday, posting comments and helping spread the word about Legal Cheek

I’d also like to say thank you to the original team of bloggers, associate editor Emily Jupp, podcast host Kevin Poulter, tech wizard Alasdair Stewart, barefoot libel lawyer Peter Smith, Ros Taylor and Maya Wolfe-Robinson at The Guardian, David Lat at Above the Law, the anonymous tipsters who’ve given us stories via tips@legalcheek.com, our eight advertisers, and all our Twitter and Facebook followers.

Looking forward to catching up with some of you at the Google Campus event we’re hosting on 5 December, and doubtless see others around the London legal traps soon.

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