Legal Cheek

Furnival Chambers barrister revealed as ‘crazy man who shouts at kids’ in viral YouTube video

Embarrassment as crime specialist recorded on camera phone

A barrister at a leading criminal set has been identified as the man in ‘Crazy Man Shouts at Kids’, a viral YouTube video.

The video (embedded below) shows a man named Richard Hearnden losing it pretty spectacularly with a bunch of children who have kicked their football into his garden in Hove, East Sussex, from their adjoining football pitch. He also threatens to have the kids charged with burglary.

The footage, which was filmed by the children, has been on YouTube since May, racking up tens of thousands of views. But it has only just been confirmed that crazy shouty man Richard Hearnden is the same Richard Hearnden who practises criminal law at London’s Furnival Chambers.

The Mail Online made the match late on Friday amid gossip on social media that it was the barrister.

Since then, Hearnden, 40, has gone into online lockdown, with his LinkedIn and Twitter accounts deleted, and his entry on the Furnival Chambers’ website removed. However, a cached version (pictured below) of Hearnden’s listing remains online.

In the video the serious crime and fraud specialist warns the children that they will face burglary charges in the youth court if they enter his garden again to retrieve their football. Hearnden, who was called to the bar in 1998, also shouts and swears at them repeatedly as he loses his temper, bellowing:

You don’t fucking climb in my garden! I’ll put you all under fucking pressure. Don’t give me lip. DON’T GIVE ME LIP!

The kids claim that they didn’t enter his garden, writing in the description to the YouTube video:

So basically what happed was my friends were playing football and the ball itself was kicked over a wall into a garden by accident. A few of the kids who were playing football went to the resident’s house that they thought it went into and knocked on their door. There was no answer at first and they waited for a minute or two, the kids then decided to check an alley way which the ball might have landed in but the angered man came out of his house and accused the kids of jumping into his garden. The kids hadn’t been in his garden though; the angered man decided to start shouting at the minors and there were also children around becoming scared and frightened.

However, it seems that Hearnden has history with the kids. In July he wrote on the Friends of Stoneham Park Facebook page that “three of them tried to break into our garden (again) to retrieve a football they had kicked over.”

Hearnden has not issued a comment since he was identified as the man in the video.

Meanwhile, in the latest instalment to the saga, a mash-up has appeared on YouTube entitled ‘Ronnie Pickering vs angry barrister Richard Hearnden’, which likens the Furnival Chambers barrister’s outburst to the one made recently by now legendary roadrage driver Ronnie Pickering.

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