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Fried Mars bars — Scottish judges and lawyers love ‘em …

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Shock discovery reveals secret legal profession culinary habits north of border


That great bastion of British liberalism and political correctness — The Guardian newspaper — jumped on a story yesterday that highlighted those at times conflicting positions.

An article in the paper’s food and drink section reported on what at first seemed like an egregious attack on freedom of expression — a Scottish council’s clampdown on a chip shop promoting itself as the birthplace of that north-of-the-border delicacy, the fried Mars bar.

However, as devout proponents of healthy living, the Guardian’s editors might have had some sympathy with efforts — whatever their motivation — to eradicate what many see as a culinary embarrassment.


But that’s the Guardian’s conundrum. What’s interesting about this story is the claim made by Massimo Andreucci, who runs the Clam Shell chippy (pictured above) in Edinburgh’s Royal Mile.

I’ve got Scottish judges and lawyers who love them,” Andreucci told the newspaper, before qualifying that statement slightly. “Actually they tend to prefer a Snickers.

There are currently some 11,000 solicitors practising in Scotland along with a tight-knit band of about 460 barristers. Throw in a few judges and that’s clearly enough to keep the deep fat fryer bubbling away.

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