The Legal Cheek Virtual Pupillage Fair Series

The Legal Cheek Virtual Pupillage Fairs takes place in autumn 2023, across two dates, the first on Saturday 7 October and the second on Thursday 12 December 2023.

  • Over 6,000 students from more than 120 universities have participated in our Pupillage Fairs since their launch in 2020

The fairs are an opportunity to meet some of the top chambers in the country, as well as the Inns of Court and several leading law schools. Come along to ask your questions directly to barristers, explore different practice areas, and pick up application tips. All of this for free and from the comfort of your own home.

If you are a chambers or law school who wishes to exhibit at the fair, please contact


Saturday 7 October 2023

Applications not yet open

Tuesday 12 December 2023

Applications not yet open

How it works

When you enter the main room, you will see all of the exhibitors (chambers, Inns, and law schools). You can click on whichever exhibitors interest you and enter their booths. Inside the booth, there will be a video livestream so you can chat on camera to representatives from the chambers. Feeling camera shy? There will also be a text live chat so that you can ask all of your questions.

Have you wondered what makes a particular chambers stand out from its competitors? Or what a day in the life of a pupil is really like? Or what the most interesting case a certain barrister has ever worked on is? This is the place to be to find out.

Most chambers send along a pupil or a baby junior so you can talk to people who were in the same position as you not so long ago, meaning they can also give you advice for the application process. But there will also be a handful of senior barristers and QCs in attendance.

Throughout the day, there will also be a number of workshops taking place. These have previously included workshops titled: “Make Your Pupillage Application Stand Out”, “Interview Tips and Tricks”, and “Life at the Commercial Chancery Bar”. Drop into these workshops, run by chambers and law schools, to ensure that you enter application season giving yourself the best chance of securing pupillage.