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Do you even lit bro?

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This lawyer has torn up the law firm profile rule book — presumably with his bare hands.


North Carolina lawyer J Clark Fischer of Randolph & Fischer has jettisoned the traditional mug-shot that appears on most firms’ websites.

Fischer — who styles himself as the firm’s managing partner, despite appearing to be the only lawyer at the practice — spent four years in the army and now deals with both criminal and civil matters.

However, unlike more conventional managing partners’ interests such as squash or tennis, Fischer is a self-proclaimed “competitive bodybuilder and physique athlete” — and clearly proud of it.

With what appears to be an alarming amount of fake tan and very little else, the lawyer poses proudly for a website profile picture. He has helpfully provided a second shot in “normal” attire — possibly so clients can recognise him when he strolls into court.

Fischer’s posing was spotted and tweeted by Wall Street Journal hack @jonesashby. And he is by no means the first lawyer to hit the gym in pursuit of physical perfection. Back in 2013 Legal Cheek reported on the success of Swansea-based barrister Christina Chinnock, who won top prize at a British bodybuilding competition.

However, Chinnock took the more sensible decision of not posing in her underwear for the chambers website.

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