Legal Cheek

Donald Trump’s lawyer thinks God has chosen his client as the next president because he saw a cloud that looks a bit like him


Donald Trump’s outspoken lawyer Michael Cohen made a weird tweet this weekend.

In it, the American University graduate said “the Lord has chosen” Trump as the next president of the United States.

His evidence? He saw a cloud that looks a bit like him.

Might as well call off the election then.

The bizarre tweet comes just a few weeks after a CNN interview with Cohen went viral for all the wrong reasons (i.e. because it was really awkward).

As far as funny, political videos go, we still don’t think Cohen’s efforts quite beat new Justice Secretary Liz Truss’s rant about cheese. Nice try though Cohen.

Sticking with all things Trump, it emerged last month that his wife, Melania, has instructed West End media outfit Harbottle & Lewis in legal proceedings against the Daily Mail newspaper.

In an article published in July, the newspaper not only questioned Mrs Trump’s immigration status, but reported on rumours that she worked as an escort in the 1990s.

Despite a swift retraction by the Daily Mail, Trump appears to have pushed on with legal proceedings, reportedly filling a $150 million (£112 million) lawsuit with a US court late last week.

There’s never a dull moment in the world of Trump.

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