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Do my (unspectacular) first year results matter?

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If so, how do I sweep my low 2.1 under the carpet?


In the latest instalment in our Career Conundrums series, one law student has concerns that her unspectacular first year exam results will prevent her from landing a training contract in the City.


I’ve just finished my first year at uni and would eventually like to land a job at a City firm. The only problem is that I have just received 60% (a low 2:1) overall in my end-of-year exams. Although everyone says first year doesn’t count, I know law firms scrutinise every result. I am from an ethnic minority background and went to a state school but excelled with good A-level grades and got involved in many extra-curricular activities. When I first started my course, the advice was that since I was at a non-Russell group university I would have to work harder and get a first-class degree if I wanted to be noticed in a room of Oxbridge students. I have heard of other law students from non-Russell group universities being turned down by firms because their academics weren’t strong enough. What should I do? Is it worth me getting my paper remarked to see if it can be boosted up to a first? Or should I get involved in a lot of pro bono this summer to strengthen my academics and distract them from the feeble 2.1?

If you have a career conundrum, email us with it to careers@legalcheek.com.

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