Legal Cheek

Dissenters vent fury on Twitter after barristers strike legal aid deal with government

The news that the Criminal Bar Association (CBA) is calling off its direct action after the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) agreed to postpone planned barrister fee cuts has enraged many lawyers, who have turned to social media to vent their fury.

Criminal solicitors, understandably, feel betrayed by a deal that leaves them exposed to the worst of the cuts, with a reduction of 17.5% to their fees.

Many barristers are unhappy at the deal too and have sought to show solidarity.

Some will even still be going on strike again.

One of the big gripes among barristers is that the CBA didn’t ask them first before coming to its arrangement with the MoJ, which sees the planned 6% cut to fees paid to advocates in Crown Court cases delayed until after the election.

Meanwhile, the usually very active and feisty CBA Twitter account has fallen silent.

So, to summarise…

All in all, quite a result for Justice Secretary Chris Grayling…

…who is closer to the legal establishment than many realise.

UPDATE: The Criminal Bar Association has responded to anger over its deal with the Ministry of Justice by announcing that it will ballot its members on whether to continue their protest action [Law Society Gazette]

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