Legal Cheek

Ding-dong in Hong Kong: Stephenson Harwood trainee punches partner in drink-fuelled secondment ‘initiation’

Shots! Shots! Shots!

A trainee at London-based outfit Stephenson Harwood has punched a partner in the face during a drink-fuelled “initiation”.

According to legal blog Roll on Friday, the unnamed trainee — who clearly fancies himself as the next Floyd Mayweather — is currently on secondment at the firm’s Hong Kong office.

In what is being described as an “initiation of sorts” the young lawyer and his new team hit the streets of HK to celebrate his arrival. Having being “forced” to down shots on an empty stomach, the trainee — presumably full of Dutch courage — turned around and landed a punch on one of the firm’s partners.

Stephenson Harwood, who has around 25% of its staff in China and South East Asia, has opted not to reprimand the Rocky rookie lawyer, with one insider claiming “he didn’t punch him hard enough”. Another source close to the firm disputed the fact the trainee wasn’t allowed to eat — presumably he was allowed the lemon from his Tequila.

This isn’t the first time a Stephenson Harwood trainee has overindulged on the drink.

Last year — during a Law Society Excellence Awards — a young lawyer at the shipping and litigation specialist puked up over herself after too much plonk. Speaking at the time, a spokesperson for the firm said that the unnamed trainee was “extemely embarrassed” and regretted “drinking too much”. Sadly, she didn’t win an award for excelllence.

Stephenson Harwood declined to comment on this latest incident.

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