Legal Cheek

Did Rochman Landau Solicitor Use Firm Computer To Describe Himself As ‘UK’s Barack Obama’ On His Wikipedia Page?

Lawyers with political ambitions, beware…

It has been revealed today that a Wikipedia description of solicitor-turned-Labour rising star Chuka Umunna as “UK’s Barack Obama” was made from a computer registered under the IP address of Rochman Landau. The top employment law firm is where Umunna was practising as a solicitor at the time, having joined in 2006 from Herbert Smith…

When asked if Umunna made the change himself, a spokesperson for the Shadow Business Secretary said: “This change was made over half a decade ago. Chuka has no record or recollection of having a log in for Wikipedia or having edited it. Though staff have had to make corrections for racist vandalism of the page in the past.”

Umunna has previously criticised “lazy” journalists and bloggers for suggesting that he encourages comparisons with Obama, telling the Evening Standard in 2011:

“It annoys me a bit. You get lazy journalists and the odd blogger who’ll suggest that I fancy myself as ‘Britain’s Obama’ and that I seek to encourage the comparison. It’s never been something I’ve encouraged.”

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