Legal Cheek

Crowd justice to the rescue

Top QC calls on the crowd in their wisdom to clear up constitutional chaos

Jolyon Maugham QC of Devereux Chambers has today launched a crowd-funding campaign on CrowdJustice in order to raise £10,000 to instruct two UK constitutional law experts to give rapid and definitive advice as to what exactly is the meaning of “advisory” with regard to last week’s referendum.

Announcing the initiative Maugham said:

This is an incredibly important moment in our nation’s history. Everyone — those who voted both Leave and Remain — is entitled to be sure of the constitutional basis for removing the UK from the EU.

He hopes to raise £10,000 to enable John Halford of Bindmans to choose a QC and junior counsel, working at heavily discounted rates, to provide an opinion as to who, in law, has the referendum advised. Is it the PM who then decides whether to act on the advice? Or is it parliament who then must vote on whether the UK should follow the advice?

As well as seeking advice, Maugham intends to send a letter to the government asking them to explain their position.

He believes both steps are vital in order for people to be fully informed on what may turn out to be the most important public law case in living memory.

At time of writing nearly £8,000 had been raised so the target is within sight and with it the prospect of some clarity amidst the chaos.

Speaking to Legal Cheek, Maugham said:

It’s a momentous decision. It seems to me extraordinary that it might be taken by a member of the executive on the basis of an advisory opinion.

Although perhaps more likely given the events of the last week it may only be a precursor to those who disagree with the opinion setting up a CrowdJustice campaign to seek entirely contradictory advice from other UK constitutional law experts.

To help fund the QC’s project click here.

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