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Could Tinder help you get a training contract?

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I’m not talking about widening the age range on your profile so you can match with partners

Could having a profile on social dating sites give you a fresh perspective on applying for training contracts? Here GDL student Monica Davis gives five reasons why Tinder could help you in your job hunt…

1. Tinder is a great way to talk to people from different social circles

Entrepreneurs are increasingly using Tinder to create brand awareness and to advertise their products, and actors and models are using it to get themselves work.

While reading “here for networking only” is disappointing, at least it shows their resourcefulness. So why can’t you also use this resource to your professional advantage?

Law is definitely not a level playing field. Not everyone has a lawyer daddy who can get them work experience at his firm. If you don’t have contacts in the legal industry, it is up to you to make your own.

Tinder is a great platform to chat with people from all walks of life: artists, photographers, investment bankers, financial analysts, financial analysts and oh yeah, financial analysts. But every now and then you might come across a trainee solicitor or qualified lawyer who might give you an honest perspective on what it’s really like on working in the law, without graduate recruitment looking over their shoulders.

Although it may sound shady, there’s nothing wrong with talking to someone who you are actually interested in talking to. Just be sure to be safe and sensible if you do decide to meet up for a drink.

2. Being on Tinder puts you in the position of a law firm

You are highly sought after. You are in control. You decide. Being in this position of power gives you an idea of how law firm graduate recruitment teams feel. Getting hundreds of matches is kind of like a law firm receiving thousands of applications. How do you decide who gets through to the next round?

3. The importance of extra-curricular activities

There’s nothing more off-putting than seeing the person with a drink in their hand in every single photo. It shows that you don’t do anything else outside of work or university. It also gives the other person nothing to comment on when striking up a conversation. Just like potential matches, law firms want to see that you are a rounded person with interesting hobbies and extra-curricular activities that show that you have personality. So Tinder is good practice at making yourself stand out and giving would-be employers something to ask about in interviews.

4. Attention to detail is key when making an impression

Really analysing the other person’s photos is much like researching a firm and using the details to make a good impression. Instead of writing a cheesy generic joke that you could write to anyone on Tinder, start with complimenting their pink tie or ask them where they did their bungee jump.

Similarly, saying that you want to work for a prospective employer because they are a “large international law firm that offers high-profile work” on an application form is much too generic. Instead, spot the details. Making the effort to research a firm and mention something specific that cannot be found on their website, such as a potential merger or profit increase, shows that you have gone the extra mile to make them feel special.

5. Rejection

Tinder helps you deal with rejection. Even if you get hundreds of matches, if the other person doesn’t reply to your “hey”, that’s it, it’s over. Of course, law firms are more direct with their rejections — one would hope at least. But the good thing is that the more you are rejected, the more you become immune to it, wasting less time feeling disappointed and moving on to the next one.

Monica Davis is studying the Graduate Diploma in Law at the University of Law, having graduated from Southampton University with a degree in languages and contemporary European studies.

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