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Comments of the week

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The best below-the-line thoughts from the last five days


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From ‘The GDL is for ‘spineless’ losers, says Bristol Uni law student’

The GDL students have the last laugh — do a History degree, get a first, do the GDL, get a pupillage.

Cantab law grad — July 23, 10:14am (75 likes — at time of publication)

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From ‘Allen & Overy ups junior lawyer pay by A QUARTER to blow away rest of magic circle’

I’m not sure how commenting on an apparent market issue demonstrates individual bitterness. I simply observed that the corporate world could get equally good legal services for far less money and are funding grossly inflated salaries. By all means disagree with me, but you infer far too much if you see individual bitterness.

Anonymous — July 20, 12:50am (17 dislikes — at time of publication)



From ‘The GDL is for ‘spineless’ losers, says Bristol Uni law student’

Firstly I should say that this is not criticism of the majority. But there is a thick vein of something distasteful running through these comments and I wouldn’t be the universal pain in the arse that I am if I failed to point that out. Threatening the girl is not on… (Continue reading)

Not Amused — July 23, 1.06pm (446 words)

Editor’s choice


From ‘Gove calls make-or-break meeting in bid to resolve crime legal aid dispute’

The event WILL BE a be a craven example of window-dressing by Lord Chancellor Michael Gove, an attempt to APPEAR to be negotiating while not really giving a monkey’s about lawyer concerns. Bullshit mode here we come …

Anonymous — July 22, 5:00pm



From ‘Fried Mars bars — Scottish judges and lawyers love ‘em …’

It’s true though — if you know what you’re doing you ask for a Snickers.

Ex-Scot — July 24, 11:25am


Comments of the week [Legal Cheek]

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