Legal Cheek

Clifford Chance takes on Uber with drivers ‘defecating in gardens’ attack

Cabbies pool resources to hire magic circle giant

Leaked documents have revealed that Clifford Chance (CC) has been instructed by taxi drivers’ union to present a case to get Uber banned.

And those documents show the magic circle grandee using every shred of information at its disposal to destroy the disruptive taxi app in London — including a claim that Uber drivers are, ahem, relieving their bowels in private gardens.

Regardless of the veracity of this information — which surfaced this afternoon on Business Insider — it seems a bit of a weak argument for a law firm stacked with supposed legal mega brains to put forward.

“Suspend Uber’s London license with immediate effect”, CC goes on to demand not at all hysterically, because “any other course of action will inevitably put members of the public at risk”.

CC has been advising the cabbies for a while, with their trade body, the London Private Hire Car Association, initially consulting the firm in April about a possible battle with Uber. Hogan Lovells has been acting for Uber.

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