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Chris Grayling’s global summit turns to sh*t

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Lawyers — keep those colons clean. That’s the latest message from the website for the controversial international shindig scheduled to celebrate the Magna Carta anniversary


The much-maligned Global Law Summit ran into more trouble this afternoon, when its website server collapsed leaving the £1,750-a-ticket shindig promoting colon cleansing.

An event official acknowledged that the site had crashed, but reassured an anxious global legal profession that a crack team of IT boffins was on the job to ensure the site “will be back up and running imminently”.

To be fair, all manner of nonsense — including advice on relationship break-ups to suggestions on the best part-time jobs in the UK — was being advertised on the site this afternoon. But the most notable was the internal hygiene suggestion graphically pictured here.

Legal aid lawyers have maintained ever since the summit was proposed that Justice Secretary Chris Grayling’s international love-in to commemorate King John’s acquiesce to the barons in 1215 was, well, full of faeces. Perhaps this is evidence that the organisers themselves agree.


Like the Ritz, Grayling’s embarrassing ‘Global Law Summit’ is open to all [Legal Cheek]

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