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‘Beautician Barrister’ Ditches BPP Law School To Do Bar Professional Training Course At Rival

By Ali Mountain on

Back in 2009, Essex beautician Georgina Blackwell caused a media storm when, without any legal training, she represented her mother in a High Court dispute against a large property company – and won. Sniffing a PR opportunity, BPP Law School immediately – and very publicly – offered Blackwell (pictured below) a full scholarship to do its then-newly launched LLB…

Blackwell gratefully accepted, quitting her job as a beautician to pursue her barrister dream. Meanwhile, BPP Law School chief executive Peter Crisp put himself about in the media in a bid to get some of the ‘beautician barrister”s stardust to rub off on his institution.

“We were very impressed with Georgina’s court case, and believe that this experience will be a huge benefit as she pursues her legal career,” crowed Crisp at the time. “Our teaching is based on a practical approach, we would hope that her fellow students will be encouraged by what she has achieved.  We look forward to her joining BPP, and will follow her career with interest.”

This summer, Blackwell graduated from her LLB with a first – and netted a £14,000 Inns of Court scholarship for the Bar Professional Training Course (BPTC).

One of the largest providers of the BPTC is, of course, BPP Law School. But that’s not where Blackwell is doing the course…

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