Legal Cheek

Bar Standards Board investigations chief removes scary Facebook profile photo

Go ahead, barristers who fail to complete their CPD requirements, make Paul Pretty’s day

The job of disciplining unruly barristers presumably requires the cultivation of a certain image of toughness.

But in selecting a Dirty Harry-style snap of himself aiming a gun as his Facebook profile photo, new Bar Standards Board (BSB) investigations and hearings chief Paul Pretty may have gone a step too far.

Indeed, this has to be the conclusion drawn from Pretty’s decision to remove the photo on Friday evening after we contacted him about it following a tip off from our Inns of Court spies.

Stressing that the picture “was taken in the appropriate setting of a shooting range,” Pretty — who was a practising criminal barrister himself before joining the BSB — told Legal Cheek:

“As soon as I was alerted to the fact that the image may give an inaccurate impression of myself, I immediately took it down from my Facebook profile.”

Fair enough, no harm done. Let’s just hope that some heavy-handed professional regulator doesn’t get hold of what is clearly a silly mistake and blow it out of all proportion…

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