Author: admin

How anonymous social media sensations can avoid getting sued

Amid the thrills of YourBarristerBoyfriend’s sensational arrival on the scene last week, there were —...

22 July 2013 12:22

Adventures in law firm marketing

Spotted yesterday in fashionable London artist enclave Hackney Wick. In the interests of accuracy, it...

22 July 2013 09:30

What’s going on at Tooks Chambers?

Rumours are raging about the future of Tooks Chambers. Yesterday Respect Party politician Lee Jasper...

19 July 2013 09:48

JK Rowling slams Soho law firm — Soho law firm hangs partner out to dry

“To say that I am disappointed is an understatement. I had assumed that I could...

19 July 2013 08:34

Cycling solicitor who jumped red light claims filming him is ‘against data protection law’

Woe betide any red light-jumping cyclist who encounters SonOfTheWinds, a YouTube phenomenon who spends his...

18 July 2013 09:40

‘Your Barrister Boyfriend’ Tumblr names ‘the 21 hottest barristers in London’

A Tumblr called YourBarristerBoyfriend has produced what it terms “the first ever official Barrister Hottie...

17 July 2013 09:03

Yet another top barrister quits Tooks…

The exodus began last autumn when Tim Moloney QC, Adrian Waterman QC and Tatyana Eatwell...

16 July 2013 09:15

Do the lawyers who are demanding that @Pippatips be deleted understand Twitter?

According to The Independent, Harbottle & Lewis is demanding, on behalf of Pippa Middleton, that...

15 July 2013 13:58

Lawyer sues Apple for letting him access porn after typing error

US lawyer Chris Sevier has filed a claim against Apple for failing to protect him...

15 July 2013 11:00

Spoof Lord Chief Justice application by Lord Justice Moses (aged 67½) — the full text

On Friday the Law Society Gazette‘s Catherine Baksi reported that Court of Appeal judge Sir...

15 July 2013 08:45