Author: admin

Law school satisfaction survey — rate your GDL/LPC/BPTC

How good is your postgraduate legal training?

27 April 2016 09:05

*Scrapping Human Rights Act facepalm*

Patrick Stewart appears in comedy pro-ECHR video, but not all lawyers are impressed

26 April 2016 09:27

‘Divisive’ 3% pay boost for senior judges rejected by government watchdog

But how do our top judges' pay packets measure up against those of City lawyers?

25 April 2016 13:00

DWF’s bid to clawback LPC fees from ex-trainee could be unenforceable restraint of trade

Questions arise over legal status of firm's lock-in clause

25 April 2016 09:18

Is a 2:1 the new 2:2 for law students?

Miss out on Oxbridge and it's increasingly a first class degree or bust if you want to make it to the bar or the magic circle

18 April 2016 09:51

Official Solicitor to the Senior Courts appears as litigant-in-person in private dispute

Exclusive: Alastair Pitblado and his fiancée in High Court today -- acting for themselves in £150k planning row

11 April 2016 09:07

Ashurst keeps 15 out of 19 qualifying trainees

79% of rookies stay with firm

7 April 2016 15:25