Author: admin
REVEALED: The BPTC providers with the highest chance of pupillage
Northumbria is the worst; BPP London is the best -- but overall rate is poor
Yorkshire solicitor struck off after charging magic circle rates
£750-an-hour for executing a will
HHJ Dodds has been dubbed ‘Britain’s rudest judge’
Former head of 15 Winckley Square seems to have been heavily influenced by Kevin the Teenager and Alan Partridge
First female Asian High Court judge sworn in
Bobbie Cheema-Grubb QC is a state-school educated northerner who wanted to be an astronaut
Job losses, falling profits and rising debt for Walkie Talkie law firm
DWF has a great London office and a big overdraft
Charlotte Proudman and top QC have huge Twitter row about who knows the law better
Spat about the Female Genital Mutilations Act shakes social media
The Freshfields ‘£1,000 an hour’ partner: row breaks out over how much top firm charges
Barrister MP reckons magic circle giant demands up to a grand for 60 minutes of its time
Barrister receives police caution after fight at Middle Temple student qualifying session
Brawl marks the arrival of Christmas party season
Without lucky breaks ‘I could have walked into the Stade de France in a bomber vest’, says Cambridge law student who grew up on same estate as Jihadi John
Wannabe lawyer Allan Hennessy calls for more understanding of roots of radicalisation
Hogan Lovells in mourning after young lawyer murdered in Paris attacks
LSE graduate Valentin Ribet killed at the Bataclan concert hall