Legal Cheek

‘I attached a picture of my snake instead of my certificates … and I still got the job at Clyde & Co’

How do you land a role at a top City firm? Send them a picture of your pet snake

A teenager became a Twitter sensation over the weekend when she accidentally attached a Jamie Oliver chilli beef recipe to a job application for an estate agents rather than her CV — and then tweeted about it.

The awesome levels of precision and attention to detail possessed by wannabe lawyers would preclude such mistakes, one would assume.

But no …

When we shared @Heathernab’s tweet above on our Facebook page, one law graduate responded with a similar tale of his own.

Having applied for a paralegal role at City firm Clyde & Co, the hopeful was asked to attach his qualification certificates — and he accidentally sent recruiters an image of his beloved pet snake, who Legal Cheek understands goes by the name of ‘Snakiee’.

Clearly the firm saw the funny side, as despite the error the student still got the job, which was a paralegal role.

The answer to that age old law student question of how to make that application stand out? Simply attach a photo of your pet snake.

Clyde & Co declined to comment.

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