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Are there really no lawyers called Charmaine or Kylie?

By Ali Mountain on

Ex-Apprentice contestant Katie Hopkins reckons that the legal profession is an area of life that is free from working class names. “Well the lawyers I work with, I can’t think of a single Charmaine, nor a Kylie,” said Hopkins on ITV’s This Morning, having revealed that she won’t let her kids play with children with names that she perceives as lower status…

Among the first to react to the comments have been the UK’s daytime TV-addicted law student community, many of whom were watching Wednesday’s episode of This Morning in which the comments were made.

Durham University’s Rebecca Foy has posted a particularly robust response to Hopkins on the Durham Pro Bono Society Blog.

Watch Katie Hopkins’ snobbish rant in full below (the abbreviated clip in which she makes her lawyer reference is above).

Update: According to the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), there are 48 Charmaines and 36 Kylies working in the law firms it regulates.

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