Legal Cheek

Alan Blacker re-hearing bid fails

Controversial solicitor-advocate was booted out of the profession earlier this summer

Alan Blacker has had his application for a fresh hearing rejected by the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal (SDT).

Following several failed attempts to have the hearing moved to Manchester, Blacker — who sometimes opts for the name Lord Harley of Counsel — was struck-off in July. This came after the SDT found the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) had proven seven out of eight charges against him, including dishonesty.

The Rochdale lawyer, who first hit headlines after an in-court spat with Judge Wynn Morgan, was also slapped with a hefty £86,000 costs order.

Today, during the public part of the re-hearing application, Goldsmith Chambers’ Anton van Dellen, representing Blacker (who wasn’t present), questioned the SDT’s decision not to have the hearing moved to accommodate his client.

But Edward Levey, of Fountain Court Chambers and representing the SRA, stressed the overwhelming evidence against Blacker and the significant costs that would result from another hearing. Citing Blacker’s failure to participate in case management hearings via telephone, Levey warned of the dangers of proceeding on medical evidence not disclosed to the other side.

Having heard a number of further submissions relating to Blacker’s medical evidence in private, the SDT eventually rejected his application. Blacker still has the option to appeal the tribunal’s original strike out decision.

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