Legal Cheek

Adventures in junior lawyer advertising: The Texas Law Hawk is back

Is grabbing fish from a river with your bare hands a good way to build a legal practice? Possibly …

Cast your mind back to October of last year and some readers may recall US attorney Bryan Wilson — aka the Law Hawk. His crazy self-promotion via YouTube led to internet stardom.

For those unfamiliar, an advert starring Wilson went viral last year — because, unlike most legal promotional videos, it included yelling, explosions and failed stick-breaking. All major pluses as far as Legal Cheek is concerned.

Well it appears that the Texas-based attorney has raised the bar once again — with his latest Law Hawk instalment.

The advert — that has already received over 12,000 views since it was posted on YouTube early last week — starts in somewhat subdued form for those familiar with the Hawk’s work.

However, it’s not long before crazy is cranked up and Wilson can be found grabbing fish from a river with his bare hands talons of justice.

He then proceeds to smash through a door and tackle a police officer while holding a puppy.

But towards the end — in a rare uncontrolled moment for The Hawk — he breaks character, unable to keep a straight face.

Bring on part three we say! More details about Wilson can be found on his website,

You can watch the advert in full below:


Lawyer + Hawk = The Law Hawk [Legal Cheek]

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